Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg


Betriebs- und Benutzerordnung des IT-Servicezentrums
ITZ_Benutzerordnung.pdf (81.9 KB)  vom 15.09.2016

User's Rules of the IT-Servicezentrum (ITZ)
ITZ_Rules_Operation&Use.pdf (105.4 KB)  vom 14.09.2016

ULB_Benutzerordnung.pdf (135.5 KB)  vom 14.09.2016

ULB_Conditions_of_Use.pdf (80.6 KB)  vom 14.09.2016

ULB_Gebuehrenordnung.pdf (357.8 KB)  vom 15.09.2016

ULB_Schedule_of_Fees.pdf (6.9 KB)  vom 15.09.2016

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Application Form Guest Card

You can apply for a personalised guest card in agreement with your advisor at the institute/the faculty at MLU Halle-Wittenberg by filling in the application form below.

In the application process, you can decide on the creation of a Wi-Fi access by the IT-Servicezentrum (ITZ). Please note the rules of operation and user's rules of ITZ at MLU Halle-Wittenberg in the right column of this website. In case you want to use additional IT services of ITZ during your guest stay, please contact the ITZ HelpDesk.

You can apply for access to the University and State Library Saxony Anhalt (ULB) as well. Please note the ULB library regulations in the right column of this website.

Through the top-up function, the guest card can be used for cashless payments in the canteen and at the copying machines.

Application Form Guest Card
Antrag Gästekarte.pdf (127.2 KB)  vom 02.05.2019
