DAAD Awardees
Every year since 1995, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg confers the EUR 1,000 DAAD Award on an international student. With this award, students in good academic standing are honoured who commit themselves to social or intercultural issues.

DAAD-Award 2023: Awardee Arman Edalat from Iran

DAAD-Award 2017: Awardee Rana Hore from Bangladesh with Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Wolf Zimmermann, Head of the International Office Dr. Manja Hussner, and DAAD Head of Division Scholarship Policies and Financial Support Dr. Andreas Hoeschen

DAAD-Award 2016: Viktoryia Panfilovich (Photo credit: Maike Glöckner)

DAAD-Award 2013: Awardee Gustavo Macedo Rodríguez from Mexico with Rector Prof. Dr. Udo Sträter (Photo credit: Michael Deutsch)

DAAD-Preis 2012: Awardee Clement Appiah from Ghana (Photo credit: Maike Glöckner

DAAD Awardee 2011: Minhaz Morshed, Bangladesh (Photo credit: Maike Glöckner)
"Minhaz Morshed has accomplished a lot"
02.08.2012: "He deserves the prize" - with these words Prof. Dr. Ingo Pies ended the acclamation for the (almost) 20-year-old student Minhaz Morshed from Bangladesh, who at the opening event of the first International Week of the University of Halle would receive a very special award - the DAAD Prize.

DAAD-Awardee 2010: Tarek Mohamed Mohamed Ali (Photo credit: Maike Glöckner)

DAAD Awardee 2009: Marc El Jebeili (Photo credit: Maike Glöckner)

DAAD Awardee 2008: Shiney Franz (Photo credit: Maike Glöckner)

DAAD Awardee 2007: Monika Döbber geb. Kowalczyk (Photo credit: Maike Glöckner)
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