phone: +49 345 55 28350
Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 7a
D-06108 Halle
postal address:
Internationales Gästehaus und Begegnungszentrum
D-06108 Halle
"Georg-Forster-Haus" - International Guest House and Encounter Center of the MLU and the Leopoldina

View of the "Georg-Forster-Haus"
If you are planning a stay in Halle of at least one month and at most one year, we recommend the International Guest House of MLU "Georg-Forster". The Georg-Forster-House offers the possibility to rent a fully furnished 1-, 2- or 3-person rental unit and enables you in a very easy way to get in contact with other international scientists.
Detailed information about the house and registration can be found on the homepage of the house.