Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Modernes Halle


Referentin Internationale Forschung / Wissenschaftlermobilität

Anton-Wilhelm-Amo-Straße 19/20
06108 Halle (Saale)

postal address:
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
International Office
D-06099 Halle (Saale)

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Returning Scientists

Do you work as a scientists abroad and plan to return to Germany? On these pages you will find information in order to facilitate your integration at MLU.

Job offers from MLU

In the Jobs Portal from MLU you will find vacancies at MLU.

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Funding options


The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) represents the German universities and is the world’s largest funding organization for international academics/exchange. The program "Rückgewinnung deutscher Wissenschaftler aus dem Ausland   " aims at reintegrating German scientists in Germany who were working abroad.

German Scholars Organization e.V. (GSO)

The German Scholars Organization e.V. (GSO) aims to build amongst others bridges for scientists working abroad in order to win them back for Germany as a center of science and research. Hence, the funding programs    of the GSO include, for example, the Dr. Wilhelmy GSO Travel Expenses Program    to promote the return of German and, since 2021, also international scientists from abroad. The program is limited to the so-called MINT subjects. The Dr. Wilhelmy-GSO Travel Expenses Program enables universities to  invite applicants from abroad to job interviews in Germany. It covers  the travel expenses of candidates in STEM subjects.

Europäische Union

Zur Wiedereingliederung eines Forschers in eine Forschungseinrichtung in einem EU-Mitgliedstaat oder einem assoziierten Staat bietet die EU in  Horizon 2020 das sogenannte „Reintegration Panel   " an. Dieses multi-disziplinäre Panel richtet sich an Forschende, die  aus einem Drittland nach Europa zurückkehren. Die Forschenden müssen die Nationalität eines Mitglied- oder Assoziierten Staates besitzen oder mindestens fünf Jahre in Europa tätig gewesen sein. Bei Interesse wenden Sie sich bitte an das Referat 6.1.


German Academic International Network (GAIN)

The German Academic International Network (GAIN)    represents the interests of German scientists living in the U.S. On the GAIN pages you can find an overview of the funding opportunities for vocational rehabilitation in Germany.

German Scholars Organization (GSO e.V.)

The German Scholars Organization (GSO e.   V.)   , based in Berlin, advises researchers independently and on an equal footing on career questions; it connects peers and experts in all sectors and, together with its funding partners, promotes them through programs.

Global Young Academy (GYA)

The Global Young Academy    (GYA) sees itself as a worldwide voice of all young scientists.

EURAXESS Germany    


EURAXESS Germany - the National Coordination Point at the Alexander von Humboldt  Foundation (supported by the Federal Ministry for Education and  Research) is an information and advisory center for internationally  mobile researchers. In addition to information for researchers coming to  Germany and for researchers going abroad, you will find on the EURAXESS  portal information for researchers who want to return to Germany after  an extended research stay in another country.

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