Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg


Referentin Internationale Forschung / Wissenschaftlermobilität

Anton-Wilhelm-Amo-Straße 19/20
06108 Halle (Saale)

postal address:
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
International Office
D-06099 Halle (Saale)

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Prospective doctoral candidates

On the following pages you will find some basic information which might be helpful for your decision whether to start a doctorate at MLU. Learn more about the different typs of doctorate (structured, individual), the advantages of doing a doctorate at Martin Luther University, the core research areas of MLU, how to find a supervisor and the funding opportunities.

Initial information for people interested in undertaking a doctorate at Halle University

Erstinformation für Promotionsinteressierte

Erstinformation für Promotionsinteressierte

German / English
erstinfo_de-en.pdf (599.5 KB)  vom 21.02.2017

French / English
erstinfo_fr-en.pdf (608.7 KB)  vom 21.02.2017

Spanish / English
erstinfo_sp-en.pdf (584.1 KB)  vom 21.02.2017

Russian / English
erstinfo_ru-en.pdf (618.6 KB)  vom 21.02.2017

Chinese / English
erstinfo_chn-en.pdf (765.4 KB)  vom 21.02.2017

Portuguese / Engish
erstinfo_por-en.pdf (572 KB)  vom 21.02.2017

Arabic / English
erstinfo_arab-en.pdf (694.4 KB)  vom 10.07.2020
