Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg


Dr. Heike Link
Referentin Internationale Studierende

phone: +49 345 55 21535
fax: +49 345 55 27427

Universitätsring 19/20
D-06108 Halle

postal address:
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
International Office
D-06099 Halle

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Entry and Residence Permit

Registration with the city of Halle (Saale)

All students who come as exchange students or for a complete study at Martin Luther University, are required to register upon their arrival in Halle as new citizens of the city with the Citizen Services / Registry Office.

For the registration with the city every student needs to submit the confirmation of the landlord (Wohnungsgeberbescheinigung).

Students can schedule appointments either via telephone or online.

Appointment via telephone: 0345/221-0 or -115 (Mondays-Fridays from 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.)

Appointment online:   

Please note that appointments outside of the student special often need to be booked several weeks in advance and remember to make an appointment in good time.

Be aware that special appointments for students (Studentenanmeldung) are only available at the beginning of each semester. Otherwise please choose citizen service (Bürgerservice).

Visa and residence permit

Students who do not come from a country in the European Union, the European Economic Area or Switzerland and who wish to study here for longer than 3 months, need a residence permit which they receive from the Immigration Office of the City of Halle in addition to applying at the Citizen Services / Registry Office.

Please note that you must enter as a student with a student visa.

Please submit the application for your student visa to the German Embassy /Consulate in your home country or in the country where you actually have a residence permit. The student visa you will be granted is your entrance visa for Germany. It is valid for a period of three months. Within these three months, you will have to submit an application for a residence permit (for the duration of your study stay) to the local foreigners’ authority. Please make sure that you apply a student visa. Tourist visa and visa for language courses will not be accepted by the Foreigner’s Authority when you apply for the residence permit.

There are also countries without any demand for an entrance visa. Nevertheless, you have to apply for the residence permit within the first three months of your stay in Halle.

Information on application process can be found in the following information sheet:
Informationen zur Antragsstellung_Aufenthaltstitel für Studienzwecke_engl.pdf (184.2 KB)  vom 20.06.2024

Application for the residence permit

To apply for a residence permit for the purpose of training
please use the online service of the Immigration Office of the City of Halle

Please note that the application can only be processed once you have you have registered with the Residents' Registration Office (Citizens' Service of the City of Halle).

It is no longer necessary to appear in person at the Foreigners' Authority to submit your application.

If  your application is approved, you will receive an appointment from the Foreigners' Authority to record the biometric data and arrange another appointment to collect the electronic residence permit.

Further information on residence permits for students can be found on the homepage of the city of Halle   .

Emergency consultation with the Foreigners' Authority

For absolutely necessary matters that cannot be postponed, emergency consultations are possible every Tuesday from 8 am to 3.30 pm at the Foreigners' Authority in Halle (Saale).

The following are considered emergency matters:

1. expired residence permit
2. intended change of employer/change of additional sheet
3. transfer of residence titles
4. loss of documents
5. issuance of passport replacement documents in case of short-term, urgent travel abroad

In justified individual cases, other urgent matters may be admitted within the existing capacities.

The selection of the people who will be admitted to a consultation at  the Foreigerns' Authority, as well as a pre-filtering according to the  above-mentioned concerns, will be carried out by the security.

The address for visitors at the Foreigners' Authority is:

Abteilung Einreise und Aufenthalt
Am Stadion 5
06122 Halle (Saale)

Website of the Department of Entry and Residence of the City of Halle (Foreigners' Authority):   

Information on residence permits for students by the Department of Entry and Residence of the City of Halle (Foreigners' Authority):   

Also visit us on Facebook    & Instagram    – here you will find up-to-date information on funding and support programmes and events, photo galleries, and you can always contact us!
