Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg


Dr. Heike Link
Referentin Internationale Studierende

phone: +49 345 55 21535
fax: +49 345 55 27427

Universitätsring 19/20
D-06108 Halle

postal address:
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
International Office
D-06099 Halle

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Insurance and Health

Health Insurance for international students

Students wishing to study in Germany must have a current health insurance coverage. You will not be allowed to matriculate without it.

Important: Since 2023, all students (including students with EHIC or from agreement countries) need an electronic notification of a German statutory health insurance for enrolment. To do this, you can contact any statutory German health insurance company and arrange for your insurance status to be reported to MLU (the ID of Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg is H0000861).

Since January 2014, there are new regulations for health insurance coverage students have to prove for matriculation with the university.
Valid proofs of health insurance are an EHIC, a German statutory health insurance or a health coverage exemption. Only in exceptional cases will health insurance contracts students obtained in their home countries for their stay in Germany be accepted!

Thus, we strongly recommend that you

‒      obtain only a travel health insurance for the first 4 - 6 weeks of your stay in Germany (please choose a travel health insurance that meets the requirements of the authorities - e.g. Provisit-Visum)

‒      after your arrival in Germany obtain a statutory health insurance (German: Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung).

The rate students have to pay for statutory health insurance is more or less the same with every state health insurance company (about 120.00 € per month).

For students that are 30 years or older or if you are a PhD student, there are special regulations.

If you need proof of health insurance for your visa application, please contact us.

Students coming from EU countries who have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) only need a status report from a statutory German health insurance company for enrolment, to which they must submit a photo copy of their card and of the health insurance contract.

  • If you come from one of the Agreement States Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia (excluding Kosovo), Turkey or Tunisia, you will need a valid proof of insurance from the health insurance company in your home country. Please make sure to obtain this document prior to your departure.
  • In case of sickness, the students need to go to a German health insurance company before being treated by a doctor and exchange the valid proof of insurance for a certificate of treatment. This certificate of treatment is only valid for one quarter. If a visit to the doctor is once again necessary in the following quarter, a new certificate of treatment must be issued.
  • For more information on the regulations in the Agreement States, please consult the document “Health Insurance in Germany for Foreign Students”.

How to prove EHIC

You can prove that you have got statutory health insurance in your home country or that you have European health insurance coverage submitting:

  • A photocopy of your EHIC (front and back side)
  • A confirmation from your health insurance company

A confirmation or proof of health insurance should contain the following information:

  • Your full name
  • Your date of birth
  • Your Identification number
  • Period of Validity/Expiry Date: The full period of your study stay in Germany has to be covered by your health insurance. For example: If you want to study in Germany in winter term, you need proof of health insurance from October 1st till March 31, for summer term from April 1st till September 30
  • Symbol of EHIC (circle with stars, country code in the centre)

Further information and models via:   

If you need to visit a doctor in Germany with your EHIC, you can show this checklist    to the doctor's office for information.

Information sheets

Health Insurance for international students in Germany
KV in Dtl_englisch_2023.pdf (30.1 KB)  vom 20.06.2024

Information on the European Health Insurance Card
Beratungsblatt EU-Studenten-engl-neutral_1.pdf (10.1 KB)  vom 02.02.2021

Checklist Health Insurance
Checkliste Krankenversicherung Checklist Health Insurance.pdf (25.8 KB)  vom 13.10.2014

Some of the most popular statutory health insurance companies

  • Techniker Krankenkasse (TK)
  • AOK - Die Gesundheitskasse
  • Barmer GEK
  • DAK Gesundheit
  • IKK gesund plus
  • Deutsche BKK

DAAD Insurance
(only for awardees of DAAD)

Students and graduates (as well as their families) which are sponsored or supported by DAAD programs or organisations and DAAD partnerships can apply for the DAAD Group Insurance Scheme. For detailed information on this, please see the DAAD websites on insurance for international students.   

First Aid - Illustrated Health Dictionary

What do I have to do in case of illness? The health dictionary "First Aid" was developed by 'Deutsches Studentenwerk' (German student union) and contains necessary information for Foreign Students in Germany.

Doctor search

Note: In Germany, in case of illness, a general practitioner - a so-called "Hausarzt/Hausärztin" - should be visited first. Only in serious cases and when medical practices are closed, the hospital is visited.

If you are sick and need to see a doctor, the doctor search of the Saxony-Anhalt Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians ('Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Sachsen-Anhalt'   ) or the doctor search of the appointment service center ('Terminservicestelle'   ) will help you. You can filter by specialty, consultation hours, location and language skills, among other things.

If you are insured with a German statutory health insurance, you can also book appointments via the appointment service center ('Terminservicestelle'   ) of 116117  in acute cases. Appointments can be made by phone (116117) or online via   . Appointments can be booked for general medicine, gynecology, ophthalmology and pediatrics. Initial appointments for a psychotherapy consultation can also be made. For other specialties, a referral code is required.

Please note: In medical emergencies, please call 112.

Psychosocial Counselling

Students who need psychosocial counselling can contact Student Services Halle    or the Psychosocial Centre for Migrants       in Saxony-Anhalt. The latter offers psychosocial counselling and therapy for foreign students in consideration of their cultural backgrounds and language needs.

Also visit us on Facebook – Facebook    – here you will find up-to-date information on funding and support programmes and events, photo galleries, and you can always contact us!
