Referentin Internationale Forschung / Wissenschaftlermobilität
Anton-Wilhelm-Amo-Straße 19/20
06108 Halle (Saale)
postal address:
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
International Office
D-06099 Halle (Saale)
PhD Network
Anton-Wilhelm-Amo-Straße 19/20
06108 Halle (Saale)
postal address:
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
International Office
D-06099 Halle (Saale)
Login for editors
If you would like to apply for a visa according to §18d of the German Residence Act, it is necessary that you conclude a hosting agreement with the receiving research institution - in this case Martin Luther University (MLU). This applies regardless of whether you will be employed at MLU with a work contract, receive a scholarship, or finance your research project yourself. Please note that the conclusion of a hosting agreement may take at least 14 days. It is therefore advisable to take care of it early. Depending on the funding, the modalities of how you obtain a hosting agreement vary and are briefly explained below.
a) Hosting agreement with employment contract
If you are to receive an employment contract at MLU, the conclusion of the admission agreement falls under the responsibility of Department 3 - Human Resources. Please make sure that the hosting agreement is signed and stamped by the University of Halle, because some German embassies abroad only accept the agreement with a stamp.
b) Admission agreement with scholarship or self-financing
If you receive a scholarship or self-finance your research project, the International Office or the dean of your faculty can issue the hosting agreement. If you would like the International Office to issue it, your supervisor should send the following documents to
- Completed Hosting Agreement Form with the information of the supervisor, the researcher's data, the topic of the research project and the duration of the project.
- Proof of funding (scholarship holders: Scholarship contract, in case of self-financing: bank statements)
- Copies of all university degrees obtained abroad, e.g. Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, diploma. Please submit a copy in the original language and a certified translation in German or English (Documents in German or English do not require a translation).
- Copies of your academic achievements in the original language and a certified translation in German or English.
In case of self-funding, please submit additionally:
- Signed confirmation of own funds (see template below)
After reviewing the documents and if the requirements are met, you will receive the signed hosting agreement.
hosting agreement
(207.1 KB) vom 12.09.2024
Confirmation of your own resources
(13.7 KB) vom 14.09.2023