Referentin International Forschung / Wissenschaftlermobilität
Anton-Wilhelm-Amo-Straße 19/20
06108 Halle (Saale)
postal address:
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
International Office / PhD Network
06099 Halle (Saale)
Mitarbeiter*in Prozessoptimierung / PhD Network
Anton-Wilhelm-Amo-Straße 19/20
06108 Halle (Saale)
postal address:
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
International Office
D-06099 Halle (Saale)
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Health Insurance
All international doctoral candidates and researchers have to ensure an adequate health insurance for the time being in Germany.
In the German insurance system there is a distinction between statutory and private health insurance.
Please find here further information about the insurance system available in German, English and Ukranian.
Depending on your country of origin and your position at the Martin Luther University different conditions and options apply:
With scholarship (EU and Agreement States)
If you come from an EU member state, you are usually insured by the European health insurance. If you come from one of the Agreement States Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia (excluding Kosovo), Turkey or Tunisia, you will need a valid proof of insurance from the health insurance company in your home country. Please make sure to obtain this document prior to your departure.
For further information see:
EU_Health Insurance in Germany for international PhD students and postdocs with scholarship.pdf
(164.2 KB) vom 06.03.2020
EHIC_What you need to consider with the European Health Insurance Card.pdf
(87.3 KB) vom 21.07.2016
With scholarship (outside EU and Agreement States)
If you come from a country that belongs neither to the EU nor to one of its Agreement States, usually you have to take a private health insurance. In a few exceptional cases a statutory insurance is possible. Without a valid proof of health insurance, you cannot get a residence title.
For further information see:
NEW_World_Health insurance in Germany for international PhD students und scientists with grant.pdf
(84.5 KB) vom 06.03.2020
DAAD insurance
For foreign PhD students and researchers the DAAD provides a cheap and private insurance which combines a health, accident and personal liability insurance.
The following conditions have to be fulfilled to make use of this insurance:
- you are doing a doctorate, or you are a scientific researcher, and
- you are obtaining funding supported by DAAD resp. EU programmes, or
- you are placed and supervised by a member university resp. partner organisation of DAAD
See here for additional information about conditions of the insurance and in order to register:
With work contract (all nations)
If you are or will be employed at Martin Luther University and earn less than 60.750,00 € per year (up to 5.062,50 € per month), you must take out statutory insurance. If your earnings are above this limit, you have the choice between statutory and private health insurance.
For further information see:
WORK_CONTRACT_Health insurance in Germany for international PhD students and scientists with work contract.pdf
(115 KB) vom 06.03.2020
Finding a doctor
There are numerous medical organisations and pharmacies in Halle. Hospitals, pharmacies and doctors' surgeries can be found throughout the city. The easiest way is to find one is using the website below. The website also allows you to search for doctors with specific knowledge of foreign languages.