Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg


Referentin Internationale Forschung / Wissenschaftlermobilität

Anton-Wilhelm-Amo-Straße 19/20
06108 Halle (Saale)

postal address:
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
International Office
D-06099 Halle (Saale)

Mitarbeiter*in Prozessoptimierung / PhD Network

phone: +49 345 55 21745

Anton-Wilhelm-Amo-Straße 19/20
06108 Halle (Saale)

postal address:
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
International Office
D-06099 Halle (Saale)

Further settings

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Registration as a citizen


Everybody who will live in Halle for more than three months is required by law to register as a new resident in the citizen service office of the City of Halle upon arriving in Halle. Registration is especially important for those of you who need an electronic residence permit, as registration with the city of Halle is a prerequisite.

Registration or Move

You must register personally within 14 days of obtaining permanent accommodation (flat, room in a shared flat, etc.). If you are living in a hotel/guest house for the first few days, the 14-day period only  counts from the time of obtaining permanent accommodation. If you are  living in a guest house and obtain a rental agreement there, this also  counts as permanent accommodation. If you are moving within Halle, you must also notify the Bürgerservicestelle in person within 14 days of moving into your new home to let them know about your new address.

Guide on booking an appointment for registration at the city hall
Booking an appointment for registration at the city of Halle.pdf (134.8 KB)  vom 27.03.2023

Appointment at the Citizens' Service Centre

In Halle there are two Citizens' Service Centres: "Am Marktplatz 1" and "Am Stadion 6". In both, registratoin is possible only by prior appointment. You can use the following options to make an appointment:

You will need the following documents to confirm your registration:

  • Passport
  • Visa
  • Proof of accommodation in Halle (form "Wohnungsgeberbescheinigung   ")
  • (if applicable:) mariage certificate (German translation)
  • (if applicable:) birth certificates of children (German translation)

Please note:

After booking the appointment online, you will receive a confirmation of your reservation at the e-mail address you have provided. In order that the appointment will be really activated, it is necessary to click on the first link within two hours of receiving the e-mail. With the second link you can delete the already confirmed appointment at any time. If you do not find the email with the reservation confirmation in your mailbox within the next five minutes after booking, please check your SPAM folder.

Attention: Please note that it is possible that there are no short-term dates available. Therefore, we recommend that you book your appointment well in advance.

De-registration when moving away from Halle

After completing your research stay in Halle, please don't forget to deregister. The deregistration must be made within two weeks of moving out and can be done 7 days before moving abroad.

More information about deregistering including the relevant form can be found at:   
