Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

TA&RA Assistantships


Referentin Internationale Forschung / Wissenschaftlermobilität

Anton-Wilhelm-Amo-Straße 19/20
06108 Halle (Saale)

postal address:
International Office / PhD Network
06099 Halle (Saale)

Mitarbeiter*in Prozessoptimierung / PhD Network

Anton-Wilhelm-Amo-Straße 19/20
06108 Halle (Saale)

postal address:
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
International Office
D-06099 Halle (Saale)

Further settings

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Teaching & Research Assistantships

Aim and purpose


Unfortunately, no more funds will be available for teaching and research assistantships from 2023. Therefore, it will not be possible to submit an application until further notice. If funds become available again, we will inform you on this page.

Applications for teaching or research assistantships can be submitted to the International Office once a year within the framework of the DAAD-funded "PhD Network" project. As a rule, the call for applications is made in December, with a deadline for applications in January of the following year. Earliest possible start is usually April of the following year. Teaching Assistantships (TA) and Research Assistantships (RA) enable international PhD students to gain or expand their experience in teaching and research. In addition, they contribute to the internationalization of teaching and research at MLU and to intensifying the links between the institutes and the International Office. Teaching and Research Assistants support teaching and research, e.g. through their own courses, the supervision of student projects, data collection and analysis or the preparation of publications and conference contributions. In addition, they can provide partial financing of the doctorate for a limited period of time. The duration of the TA & RAs is 6 months.

Application requirements

You are eligible to apply if you have never had a contract as a graduate assistant before or if you have not had a contract as a graduate assistant for more than six months at the time of the planned start of the TA or RA.

Important: Because of the new "Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz" all holders of jobs e. g. as scientific staff cannot simultaneously accept a contract as research or teaching assisstant. Therefore, please contact us if you already have a contract.


Applications for TA & RAs at the International Office of the MLU are jointly submitted by the international doctoral candidate and their respective academic supervisor.

The procedure for submitting an application has been digitalised.
Please submit your application using the Contactus portal.

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Selection and recruitment procedure

The selection is carried out by an independent committee of experts consisting of university professors from various disciplines. The International Office then submits requests for employment to the Human Resources Department for the selected persons to be employed as a graduate research assistant. The contracts as a teaching or research assistant are financed by the "PhD Network" project, which is funded by the DAAD with funds from the Federal Foreign Office. The content work is carried out at the respective institute.

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions TA & RA (in German)
TA_RA_Häufig Gestellte Fragen_Dezember2020.pdf (46 KB)  vom 10.12.2020

Frequently asked questions TA & RA (in English)
TA_RA_Frequently Asked Questions_December2020.pdf (42.3 KB)  vom 10.12.2020
