Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Das Löwengebäde am Universitätsplatz


Anna Kostov
Koordinatorin für internationale Austauschprogramme

phone: Tel: +49 345 55 21579
fax: Fax: +49 345 55 27687

Anton-Wilhelm-Amo-Straße 19/20
06108 Halle (Saale)

postal address:
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
International Office
D-06099 Halle (Saale)

Dr. Heike Link
Referentin Servicebereich Welcome

phone: +49 345 55 21535
fax: +49 345 55 27427

Anton-Wilhelm-Amo-Straße 19/20
D-06108 Halle

postal address:
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
International Office
D-06099 Halle

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Erasmus Incomer/ Exchange Students/ Free Mover

Thanks for your interest in coming to our university.

Exchange students are defined as students,

  • who come for a temporary stay (1 to 12 months) for reasons of studying or other academic activities (work placement, research projects, thesises) to our university
  • who come to us via an exchange programme like ERASMUS+, via existent partnerships and cooperations or on an individual basis (Free Mover)
  • who are not able to obtain a degree at our university. All academic achievements are recorded in a Transcript of Records.

Online Application

Exchange Students apply at MLU Halle-Wittenberg through an online-application-tool. As soon as our International Office () has received an official nomination by your host university, the nominated student will receive an email with the link and all relevant information on the application process.

After generating a user account, please use the following link for log-in    in the online-portal

Please note: To register with the MLU, you do not need any Learning Agreement. If you need to hand in a Learning Agreement at your home university, please contact the iternational academic advisor indicated in your Admission Letter (to be received 2 months prior to your study stay).

Application Deadlines

winter term (01.10.-31.03.)15th June
summer term (01.04.-30.09.)15th December

Information on Application for Free Mover

Free mover are exchange students studying in Halle for one or two semesters without any specific cooperation agreement between their university and the MLU like Erasmus.

Please note: exchange students who wish to study at our university as FREE MOVER (meaning, on an individual basis, without a specific cooperation  agreement between the universities) will need to find an academic tutor at the respective institute at the University of Halle. In order to find  such a tutor you may either visit the web sites of the faculty or institute that you are interested in or search among the international academic advisors, who often agree to advise free movers.

The academic tutor (university professor or other teacher) must fill out a Confirmation of Supervisor, the so called "Betreuerbestätigung" and send it to the International Office.

Once the International Office has received this Confirmation of Supervision (signed and stamped), the student receives a link to register online.

Free Mover have to submit the certificate of enrolment of their home university to the International Office during the application process.

Confirmation of Supervisor (only for FREE MOVERS)
Confirmation of Supervision_Betreuerbestätigung.docx (263.4 KB)  vom 03.08.2022

Language Requirements

The majority of study programmes at the MLU are offered in German. Therefore, good knowledge of the German language is absolutely necessary for a successful academic stay.

For the official application no proof of German language knowledge needs to be handed in, except for Medicine and Informatics.

Exchange students who plan to study at the Institute of Medicine need to hand in a proof of German language knowledge on the level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages   .

Exchange students who plan to study at the Institute of Informatics need to hand in a proof of German language knowledge on the level B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages   .


If all application documents are complete, the official Letter of Acceptance will be ready for download in the online-application-tool at the beginning of August (start of exchange: winter term) or at the beginning of February (start of exchange: summer term).

In case you need the Letter of Acceptance also sent on the postal way, please send an email to:

Academic cycle

The academic year at MLU Halle-Wittenberg is devided into 2 semester:

  • winter term (01.10. - 31.03.)
  • summer term (01.04. - 30.09.)

Courses in winter term running until the end of January/ beginning of February and are directly followed by the exam period and time for traineeships. Courses in summer term last until middle of July followed again by an exam period and semster break.

To be able to participate in an exam the course has to be successfully completed by the student. Most of the courses available run for 1 semester, a few even for 2 semester. In that case exams always take place in July/August.

Important for Erasmus students: On the Confirmation of Attendance will generally be stated the date of the end of the lecture period or the day of the last examination. Please inform yourself in advance about the official end of lectures and examination dates to plan your exchange stay and calculate your sholarship.

Overview Academic Calendar with bank holidays

Course Catalogue of MLU

The majority of study programmes at the MLU are offered in German. Good knowledge of German language is absolutly necessary for a successful academic stay. Degree programmes taught exclusively in English can be found here.

The courses for the upcoming semester are published approx. 2 months before semester starts under: course catalogue StudIP. Please choose the right semester and look under "Einrichtungen" for your courses. Please contact your departmental Coordinator at MLU Halle for further questions regarding your study courses.

Moreover, on the webpages of each Faculty/ Institute manuals for each study programme with all moduls that can be taken are available. The manuals list all courses with workload and credit points. Please click here to get to the faculties' webpages.

Basically every course offered can be taken by exchange students. Taken courses need to be confirmed by the Departmental Coordinators of the sending and receiving institution (Learning Agreement) and enough places must be available in the course itself.

Learning Agreement

The Learning Agreement staes all courses which the student takes while studying at MLU Halle-Wittenberg. The Learning Agreement should therefore be issued at best before the mobility starts, at the latest 4 weeks after the arrival to make sure all courses can definitely be taken by the student.

Learning Agreement
Learning Agreement_sms_english.docx (925.3 KB)  vom 02.05.2016

Transcript of Records

The Transcript of Records shows all courses you have attended to successfully during your stay at MLU Halle-Wittenberg including the achieved mark and ECTS credits. The Transcript of Records will always be issued by the responsible Examination Office.

To be able to receive the Transcript of Records, you have to fill in the course list in the online portal and print it at the end of lecture time. During the time semsters runs you are always able to update the list.

Every lecturer has to state the achieved result and the ECTS credits on the list and confirm it by signing and stamping the list. This list has to be handed in at the responsible Examination Office.

Please find enclosed a list of the contact persons in the Examination Offices.

List of contact persons in the Examination Offices
Ubersicht_Fakultaten_Institute_Prufungsamt.pdf (253.4 KB)  vom 17.05.2021

Organisation of your study stay in Halle

Students planning a semester abroad, should early start hinking about issues like Accomodation, German courses, Health Insurance, Visa etc.

After receiving your application documents, we will regulary send you information emails on these topics that you should organize in advance. Please read these emails carefully and immediately upon receipt and have a look on our webpage.

Also visit us on Facebook – Facebook    – here you will find up-to-date information on funding and support  programmes and events, photo galleries, and you can always contact us!
